Scrumming the WoW Raid: Boosting Efficiency and Fun

Lightning talk 🚀


Norwegian 🇳🇴


07 Thursday, 4:00 – 4:10 PM

Length: 10 minutes

Room: Room 2


Are you tired of endless project plans that seem to go nowhere? Do you feel like your team is struggling to hit its goals, no matter how much you plan ahead? You know I am talking about wow raids, right? Let's take a lesson from a project management framework: breaking down raid goals into smaller, actionable tasks. As a gamer and developer, I have seen how effective it can be to think like a project manager when approaching complex group setup. Just like in a raid, you need to organize your team, set up a schedule, and assign roles and responsibilities. In this 10-minute talk, I will share practical tips and examples from my experience raiding in world of warcraft, and how i used scrum methodologies to accomplish this. Whether you're leading a team of developers or coordinating to storm raszageth, by breaking down larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks, you can make progress towards your objectives and build a sense of momentum that can carry you to success.

Day & time

07 Thursday, 4:00 – 4:10 PM

Intended audience

This talk is designed for gamers who participate in team-based raids and want to improve their effectiveness and efficiency. The talk focuses on the importance of breaking down larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks and provides practical tips on how to do so. During the presentation, attendees will learn how to organize a raid team, set up a schedule, and assign roles and responsibilities to team members. The talk will also include examples of tasks that might be included in a raid plan, such as gathering resources, scouting locations, and establishing communication protocols. By the end of the talk, attendees will have a better understanding of how to approach raid goals and will be equipped with practical strategies for breaking down larger objectives into smaller, actionable tasks. The ultimate goal of the talk is to help gamers work more effectively as a team, improve their raid performance, and ultimately achieve success in their gaming endeavors.

  • Malin Jakobsen

    Front-end developer with a love for gaming and user experience working for Miles in Bergen